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No. You will need to enroll your accounts in eNotices. Select eStatements from the dashboard and follow the prompts.
No. You will need to go to one of your accounts via online or mobile banking, click on settings, find the estatement section, click on advanced settings, and agree to the terms and conditions. Contact if you need assistance.
To ensure your eStatements are set up properly, the first statement after enrollment will produce both an electronic and paper version of the statement.
You can set up additional recipients to receive eStatements. This can be setup under Additional Recipients when you go into eStatements on the dashboard. You will need to assign each person a User ID and Password to access eStatements.
eStatements will begin accumulating once you enroll. They will be available for up to 18 months.
When you view your statement, it will open in a .PDF format. You can save the document(s) to your device.