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We want you to be safe. That's why we have created this special section on our site to help alert you to any threats you need to be aware of. As always, if you have a concern or question, don't hesitate to Contact Us.
Below are some recent scams and warnings.
“If someone sends you money and asks you to send it to someone else, STOP. You could be what some people call a money mule – someone scammers use to transfer and launder stolen money.”
We have been made aware of customers receiving automated phone calls in which the caller claims to be from Community First Bank to review accounts and talk about COVID assistance. These calls are fraudulent, and we have reported the scam to our local police department. Please note, we will never ask for specific account information over the phone (including numbers, names and passwords). If you have any questions or concerns, or feel you may have given out personal information to someone not associated with CFB, please call your local branch directly.
Did you know that, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, financial exploitation was the second leading type of elder abuse reported in Wisconsin in 2017?
There are steps consumers can take to reduce their chances of becoming a victim of identity theft or fraud. Read about some helpful tips from the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA).