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Two of the most common forms of fraud are Check Fraud and Skimming. Check fraud is exactly as it sounds: any alteration, fabrication, or corruption of one party’s checks performed by a second party with the intent to injure or harm the first party, primarily in pursuit of financial gain.
Skimming is when a criminal steals the information from your credit or debit card. The most common form of skimming is ATM skimming.
ATM skimming typically involves a device that looks like a regular card reader and another device that is either placed as a second keypad over the original one, or a camera above the keypad. Once in place, the criminal watches the devices on the ATM from a distance and makes new cards with the stolen information. They use these “new cards” to withdraw money from the victim’s accounts. Anytime your credit or debit card leaves your sight, you are at risk of being skimmed.