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SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) IRA

  • Type of traditional IRA for self-employed individuals or small business owners
  • Easy and inexpensive startup
  • Tax-deductible contributions are made by the business for all eligible employees
  • Higher contribution limits: 25% of income up to a cap that increases with inflation

SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) IRA

  • A salary deferral plan for your employees
  • Small businesses with fewer than 100 employees are eligible
  • Easier to set up and administer than many other workplace retirement plans
  • Employees can make pre-tax contributions that grow tax deferred until retirement
  • Employers either match employee contributions (up to 3%) or make a 2% non-elective contribution
  • Employer contributions are tax deductible

Save for qualified medical expenses through your compatible health plan.