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We want to make it as easy as possible for you to make purchases, pay bills, and manage your money. That's why our business checking accounts are designed with your convenience in mind. Choose the one that best fits your business and financial needs.
$2,500 average collected balance requirement ($5.00 monthly service charge if balance is not maintained)
$50 average collected balance requirement ($3.00 monthly service charge if balance is not maintained)
No activity fee for up to 200 transactions*, $0.34 per transaction over 200
$0.23 per debit, checks drawn on CFB are processed at $0.06 each; all other checks at $0.09 each
No activity fee for up to 50 transactions*, $0.29 per transaction over 50
No activity fee for up to 300 transactions*, $0.34 per transaction over 300
$6.00 /monthly fee for paper statements
$5.00 monthly service fee $6.00 monthly fee for paper statements
$6.00 monthly fee for paper statements
*A transaction includes each check deposited and each debit. A debit includes all checks written, automatic deductions, and VISA Check Card withdrawals, transfers, or purchases.